
May 17, 2024 (4mo ago)

I recently rejoined Twitter after almost four years away. Initially, I left when the Nigerian government banned it. Even after the ban was lifted, life got in the way with college, job hunting, and moving to a new country.

Before leaving, I enjoyed Twitter's flow of information and ideas but struggled with information overload, even when following curated accounts. This frustration inspired us to help build Synthesis, aiming to curate meaningful content.

A good friend convinced me to return, highlighting the benefits of building in public. Twitter remains a fantastic place to see what people are working on and to connect with like-minded individuals.

Since rejoining, I've been reminded of its dynamic nature — developers sharing ideas, entrepreneurs discussing startups, and creators showcasing their work.

My return is about contributing to the community, not just consuming content. I've been working on side projects and look forward to sharing my progress, gathering feedback, and engaging with others who share my passions.

Building in public opens opportunities for learning, collaboration, and inspiration.

While Twitter can be overwhelming, its potential for fostering connections and showcasing creativity is invaluable. I'm excited to reconnect, share my journey, and see where this renewed engagement leads. If you're interested in my work or want to connect, shoot me a message.