rediscovering the grind: ass in chair

May 10, 2024 (4mo ago)

One quiet evening, as I casually listened to the backdrop of YouTube videos while a friend browsed content, a phrase uttered by developer Jonathan Blow caught my attention.

"Ass in chair," he said in response to a question about becoming a better developer.

Those three simple yet profound words resonated with me, sparking memories from my college days when coding was a tool for relentless problem-solving and exploring potential startups.

Coding was my Swiss Army knife during college. It wasn't just about writing software but crafting solutions and relentlessly tackling challenges.

This mindset had me constantly looking for problems that technology could solve.

Whether creating new projects or turning theoretical concepts from my heavy mathematics courses into practical, hands-on experiences, coding was my lifeline.

It even extended to my coursework, where I often wrote code to solve complex numerical methods problems for my math assignments.


Numerix - I created this sample project about 6 years ago to help me perform numerical analysis using various numerical methods, reducing the time spent on manual calculations when doing assignments.

Today, the scenario is quite different. Having transitioned from passionate coding marathons to a structured 9-5 job, I am disengaged from coding after hours.

However, reconnecting with my old college peers and the vibrant Indie Hacker community has reignited that old spark.

Inspired by the productivity strategy from the video "How to Finish One Month of Work Today," I've envisioned a new plan to revive that old problem-solving fervor.

This plan involves planning for a hyper-focused workday and organizing quarterly coding retreats in inspiring locales with a select group of peers.

These retreats aim to transform weeks of work into days of intense productivity while reviving my college days' dynamic, problem-solving energy.

This isn't just about enhancing productivity; it's about reconstructing an environment that fosters innovation and creativity, akin to my college days.

I aim to return to the simple yet effective problem-solving mindset: spot a problem, attempt a solution, and, if it fails, move on to the next challenge.

Through this blog, I plan to document this journey and share the outcomes, hoping to inspire those who might find themselves in similar situations to rediscover their passion for coding and problem-solving.

Stay tuned for updates as I blend old habits with innovative strategies, aiming for renewed growth and satisfaction in my professional life.